A Trump vote in November
One ballot you’ll remember.
The day you lost your virginity –
To this cheap gold-plated member.
Upended by his rhetoric,
Hysterically historic.
So horrifically abhorrible,
But you still found him adorable.
Hindsight is reflection –
That clears up dim past.
His dementia is now glaring.
Orange embers that were cast
JEDied your memory of his criminal past.
A sickening flow of hate and blame
He spewed to hide an inner shame.
Of a strict father’s uncaring game –
Of demeaning, dismissing, disheartening disdain,
For the son, who would at last remain,
To hold the reins of his racist domain.
Who bumbled and stumbled.
Tumbling reign down –
Like Jerico’s walls at trumpet’s first blare –
Unleashing hell unchained – unstrained.
Splurging cash without a care.
Gurgling, swirling circling the drain.
A sweat drenched Adderall™ addled brain.
Tarnished and corruptly famed.
An Apprenticed. Unholy. Evangelical stain –
This deplored, disgraced, demigod clown.
Has undeniably, been guilty found.
Finally blowing his tower of cards down.
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