The Divided States
In still silence they came,
riled by his monotonous grinding and whining;
thrilled by his incessant shrill howling;
convinced by his buzzing babbling bleating;
incensed by his droning groaning moaning;
provoked by his grumpy, grunting, growling;
spurred on by his squealing, screaming scud of verbal diarrhea.
“To the CAPITAL, and I’ll be with you!”
His hurricane of victimhood and deception,
plagiarized platitudes, and flagrant lies;
propelled large droves of ruby-red non-patriots to the CAPITAL;
where they carelessly spattered Donald’s seeds of insurrection …
to be indiscriminately scattered on the wind.
RKO Ⓒ2024 All Rights Reserved
My thanks to Ann Telnaes for permission to use her editorial cartoon.