The Divided States

The Divided States

In still silence they came,

riled by his monotonous grinding and whining;

thrilled by his incessant shrill howling;

convinced by his buzzing babbling bleating;

incensed by his droning groaning moaning;

provoked by his grumpy, grunting, growling;

spurred on by his squealing, screaming scud of verbal diarrhea.

“To the CAPITAL, and I’ll be with you!”

His hurricane of victimhood and deception,

plagiarized platitudes, and flagrant lies;

propelled large droves of ruby-red non-patriots to the CAPITAL;

where they carelessly spattered Donald’s seeds of insurrection …

to be indiscriminately scattered on the wind.


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My thanks to Ann Telnaes for permission to use her editorial cartoon.

Prosecutor vs. Convicted Felon.

Prosecutor vs. Convicted Felon.

MAGA Trumpsters call her ”Lyin Kamala”, parroting their cult leader.

#1. They are spelling it wrong.
It is spelled Lion.

#2. They also get the gender wrong.
Male lions are lazy self-centered, and sex addicted, much like Donald.
Female lions are focused, powerful, and productive.

Lioness Kamala is coming after you, Donny.
Prosecutor vs. Convicted Felon.

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Lioness illustration by ractapopulous user_id:24766 on

Convicted Felon #45

Convicted Felon #45

This preeminent predatory pandering man-baby
Blindly emerges from his fridged cavernous courtroom cave.
Startled on seeing his shady and shallow shadow
he stutters ponderous pontifications –
Full of preposterous protestations.
Petulantly plodding along, he plots
A prolonged political procrastination
pathetically postponing poetic justice,
While perversely patronizing
His pathologically paranoid, pessimistically primed followers.

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Donald doesn’t mind Communism as long as he is the oligarch in the Ivory Tower.

He welcomes Putin’s help and will surely reciprocate. They both belong to Felons Anonymous.

He makes his cult worship him while selling America out to the highest bidder.
He grifts his Make America White Again Bibles bound in “2 Corinthian Leather” to his gullible disciples.

News Flash: Donny never has and never will read the bible.
He believes “Turn the other cheek forgiveness” found in the book of Matthew and Luke, is for suckers and losers.

He will only use the bible as a crutch to gain support from his White Evangelical Taliban followers.
Only they KNOW THE WORD OF GOD. Only they have a divine duty to control you.

He is nothing but a M.A.G.A.t., a snake slithering in the festering hate filled pool of poor misinformed sheep.

They are slowly walking to be sheared and/or slaughtered.
Trump has been recorded as saying that he loves the poorly educated.
Look it up on YouTube.

WAKE UP!  PLeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!!!

Consistently Incontinent

Consistently Incontinent

To a Press Core before entering
a courtroom he can’t control.
His garble words gargled forth
unconsciously uncontrollable,
with hands caught in the cookie jar.

Sitting consistently incontinent
All day long steeped in a diaper seeping
Sleeping beside his weeping lawyers
He wakes and cries for change.

Not such a rash request
His lawyers would agree.
Sitting beside him day after day,
In golden diaper dripping pee.

Time to take a plea.

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Buy My Bible

You shall have no other gods before Me.” 

This is the First Commandment as recorded in Exodus 20:3. 

Those of you who believe Donald is your Savior, spit on the name of Jesus. 

Jesus died on a cross for you as blood dripped from thorn spurs cutting deeply into his scalp.
Donald bought imaginary bone spurs to dodge the Vietnam War draft.

What a Patriot. (Make America Great All you suckers and losers!) 

He has said he loves the poorly educated. They are the grift that keeps on giving.

Tangerine Tainted Stain

Tangerine Tainted Stain

Tangerine Tainted Stain.
Bloated Fatman BANE.
A (D.C. Comic) farcical
Adderall™ frozen brain.

Undeniably indefensible
Defendant in Chief.
A DEPEND™ wearing,
Man-Baby grifting creepy thief.

Casting innuendos
To Nodoz™ unending
Sleeping at the wheel
Oblivious of his stealing

FEDs keep upending –
Documents unending.
Lawyer’s appeals are pending.
Don is still pretending.

Papers so highly classified
Their theft he surely did contrive.
Cashing them as leverage
If judgment finally does arrive

D. O. J. Identified
The docs he tried to stash
Secrets he did whisk away
Disguising them as trash.

Metaphorical MAGA rain
Streaming Echos that never stop
Hysterically, sophomoric screaming
“Hunter’s laptop?”. “Hunter’s laptop?”.

Tyrannically blaming.
Constantly framing.
Lying and crying.
“Why ME-ing”, and sighing.

Their tactic is stalling
To get DON back in,
Before a conviction
Puts him in Sing Sing.


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I pity the poor Secret Service Detail assigned to protect Donald.

They will have to suffer listening to his incessant whining.
They will be nauseated by his constant incontinence.
They will have to endure hearing, “Your Fired”, for the rest of his petulant miserable life.
Praying to God to make that merciful end true, they will ultimately surrender, then drown in the cesspool of quicksand named Donald.
That is not what they signed up for.

I shudder using Donald Trump and Library in the same sentence. The only things he may have ever finished reading would be a golf scorecard, or a Big Mac menu. 

I urge someone, please make a documentary movie, “Driving Mista Donny“, and show it perpetually at Ivana Trump’s gravesite at Bedminster. Devine Justice. It could become the site of the DJT Library for the Illiterate. 



Donny must have learned American History at DUMP UNIVERSITY.
And he says he doesn’t do drugs!